Friday, January 13, 2012

I stopped missing everyone

So I have officially become the worst blogger in the history of blogging that ever blogged, since I haven't blogged for more than a month. No big deal, I was just going crazy because of assignments and other stuffs.

First off, I moved house, which means tons of things to do. At least it's over because I'm so fed up with moving and cleaning and arranging things. The best part of it was that it had to happen when my schedule was completely packed. My shooting schedule had to be adjusted so many times so that I have time for moving and doing other assignments in the mean time.
My crew
On the other hand, our shooting process had gone smoothly. We wrapped up after 4 days at so many different locations. It was super fun and we learned a lot.
Me being the try-to-hard director and camera-handler
Preparing the props and set. We were trying to make it look like night time 
The actresses
The outcome was not perfect. During the editing, we figured out a lot of things that could be improved, but they're all lessons learned and no hard feelings. I'll update the link to the movie when we finish uploading it.

Korean tofu soup that is way more expensive than it should be. Didn't even taste good enough
NYDC's Steak. 
NYDC's cheese garlic bread.
And finally, I got my bangs straightened! I meant to do it weeks ago but never had time. And during the last few weeks I actually looked so grossed I couldn't look into the mirror too long. Now it's over!

I took a picture before and after I went to the salon
You can see my lips are peeling because of the winter
Also my eyebrows need trimmed
You can see a bit of my new bedroom there 
Also my new ring I just bought yesterday
Gah I hate my nose!!!
What do you guys think? I totally love my bangs and think it suits me well. I also thougth of dyeing my hair but my parents would have fits about it, so...

Okay, I now have realized how random my blog is. But that's just how I roll, so you better deal with it. I still have one more exam before the Tet holiday and my semester break. I'll be traveling and watching lots of stuff so hope I'll have better things to blog about.


  1. ý ý lens màu này đẹp nè??? này có phải giống cái màu xám đeo lúc gặp tớ hem?? nếu là nó thì lên ảnh đẹp hơn nhiều ha :-?

  2. Tink ơi font nì hiện tiếng Việt xấu quá đi ;___;

    1. Này là lens ko có màu mà Zan :-? Màu này đẹp là vì nó được chỉnh PS huhuhu :((
      Mà font này nhìn cũng được mà :-? Ko thì chỉ còn mấy font standard khác nhìn chán lắm à.

    2. vậy cái tone make up cũng là do PTS luôn phải hem vì tớ thấy đẹp =))))))))

      mới cả tớ thấy để hở trán đẹp hơn :-? hở trán mặt bớt tròn, nhìn thon hơn, trông mặt cũng sáng sủa hơn nữa :-? giống cái hình before ý (không có nghĩa là cái mái đó đẹp, chỉ là hở trán ra đẹp hơn thôi, manage làm sao để vừa có mái đẹp vừa hở được trán ý =)))) )

      cái avatar Changminho Tink để từ hồi nào mà chưa thay =)))))))

    3. Ờ chắc do PTS đó chứ ở ngoài nhìn bình thường thôi :-< Trời ơi làm sao manage đc vừa có tóc mái vừa hở trán bây giờ :-<

      Tớ đang cố thay ava đây nè mà mạng lag thấy sợ, up lên đc nửa chừng là đứng thôi :(

  3. Tớ cmt bằng tiếng Việt có bị kỳ thị không ;___;

    1. Zan nó cũng cmt bằng tiếng Việt rùi đấy còn gì =))

  4. Thôi con châu chấu ý bị ng đời kỳ thị sẵn rồi cmt ko chấp!
